Thursday, July 21, 2011

I like to draw

I like drawing.  It’s very fun.  I almost draw every day.  I even trace.  But, what I really like is drawing by myself.  I don’t have any help.  I do it by myself.  It’s really fun.  I love to draw horses.  You have to try it one day.  It’s really fun. 

Bye bye.

Horse Girl


  1. I've seen some of your horsework, and it's beautiful - you are quite the artist, Horse Girl!

    I love you!
    Aunt Kristen

  2. I used to collect horses, too, when I was a little girl. I wish that I had kept them all so we could add them to your collection...but I'm sure they made another little horse lover very happy!

  3. Horse Girl - I absolutely adore every drawing I've ever seen of yours - to include the beautiful presents I now have hanging on my frig. You are so talented!!! I love your blog. Sorry it took me so long to comment, but I have not been on the computer much in recent days. I'm back to normal now and will check every day to see if you have a new post! I love you!!!!!! XOXOXOXO, NANU
